The articles, stories of mythology and legends depicted in the textual content
are not the original work of literature by Indian Divinity / Webonautics. It
contains information from various modern books and works of literature, all secondary
and sometimes tertiary sources from the original ancient materials, none of which
were actually consulted for this project. The original literature pieces are
works of many eminent scholars in the past, which are currently available in
the “Public Domain” according to the Berne Convention. All the textual
contents (articles, stories, legends, and mythological tales) as you find it
in the site have been re-edited; revised and re-told by the Indian Divinity Team.
As such, information provided in this site is vast and could not have been accomplished
without consulting few literary works of modern times. We would like provide
references to the books which have been extensively consulted at the time of
editing and putting together the textual content for the Site.
Various old books and scriptures from the personal collection of Sri Gurudevananda
Swamiji and conversations held with his Holiness
SETH, Kailash Nath; CHATURVEDI, V.K., Gods and Goddess
of India. 2000.
Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Classic India Series. 2000.
SINGH, Chitralekha; NATH, Prem, Hindu Festivals, Fairs
and Fasts. 2000.
GUPTA, Shakti M., Myths and Legends from Indian Mythology. 2000 |