Narada - Punishing the evil:
Sometimes Narada's remarks outwardly looked like scandalous gossip. But it was
his intention that evildoers should merit punishment and the virtuous are fittingly
rewarded. Kamsa was a cruel king. He, along with his like-minded 'Rakshasas',
used to torture people. His sister Devaki got married to Vasudeva. Then an invisible
voice said: "O Kamsa, you shall meet your end at the hands of the eighth
child of Devaki." Kamsa's anger knew no bounds. At once he took out his
sword and rushed to kill Devaki. Vasudeva begged him not to kill her. He assured
Kamsa that he would handover to his custody all the children born to Devaki.
Kamsa left Devaki unharmed.
Later Narada met Kamsa in secrecy and said: "O Kamsa, the gods have conspired
to kill you. Your father Ugrasena, Devaki, and Vasudeva - all these people have
joined hands with the gods. You are after all a 'rakshasa', a demon. Don't you
know that the gods and the rakshasas are sworn enemies?" On hearing this
Kamsa was outraged. Immediately he imprisoned Devaki and his father Ugrasena,
and declared that thereafter he was the king of that state.
One wonders why Narada stooped to such tale bearing. But he had a noble purpose.
He knew that it was only when the cup of evil was filled to the brim that the
wicked will attract punishment. Kamsa's cruel acts came in quick succession.
He sent an army of 'rakshasas' to kill Sri Krishna who was then a little boy
in Nandagokula. All of them met their end. Soon Lord Krishna found enough justification
for killing Kamsa, and did so.
Narada and Durvasa:
Once Narada was sitting in Lord Ishwara's court on Mount Kailasa. Illustrious
sages and brahmarshis attended it. Just then Durvasa entered the assembly carrying
a huge bundle of books. Although Durvasa was a great saint, he was highly irascible,
quick to anger. Ignoring the august assembly, he went and sat by the side of
Lord Shiva. Shiva asked him smilingly: "Sir, how are your studies progressing?" The
saint proudly displayed his bundle of books and said, "I have thoroughly
studied these books and I know them by heart."
Narada stood up and called Durvasa a donkey carrying a burden of books on his
back. Durvasa thundered in wrath.
Narada retorted, "There you are! You have not been able to get over your
passions in spite of your scholarship. You have ignored the assembly and gone
and sat by Lord Shiva. What good is scholarship without patience and forgiveness?
These books are nothing but the burden of a donkey." Durvasa realized his
folly. He then threw away the books into the sea and went into penance.