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Statues of Lord Ganesha
Virupaksha Temple
Bhuvaneshwari Temple
Temples on the Hemakuta Hill
Virupaksha Bazaar
Kodanda Rama Temple
Achyutaraya Temple
Matanga Hill
Balakrishna Temple
Narasimha Statue
Sister Stones
Underground Temple
Zenana Enclosure
Elephant Stables
Guards Quarters
Hazara Rama Temple
Royal Enclosure
Durbar Hall
King's Palace
Dasara Platform
Stepped Tank
Water Channels
Yantroddaraka Anjineya Temple
King's Balance
Vittala Temple
Purandaradas Mantap
Queen's Bath
Singarada Hebbagilu
Noblemen's Palaces

The Zenana enclosure meaning Ladies quarters consists of the Queen's Palace, the Lotus Mahal, the Quarters for maids and a water pavilion. The whole area is enclosed with a high curtain wall and provided with three watchtowers.

Of the Quarters palace, only the basement remains. Looking at the size of this tier basement, one can imagine that the palace was of considerable size. The palace was built of wood, the pillars gilded and the whole palace beautifully painted.

Lotus Mahal is one of the most well known buildings among the Hampi monuments. It is a fine example of Indo-Islamic architecture, noted for a pleasing blend of two distinct types of architecture. The pillars, the arches and the windows are Islamic in character, while the Sikharas or spires are of the Hindu order.

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