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Statues of Lord Ganesha
Virupaksha Temple
Bhuvaneshwari Temple
Temples on the Hemakuta Hill
Virupaksha Bazaar
Kodanda Rama Temple
Achyutaraya Temple
Matanga Hill
Balakrishna Temple
Narasimha Statue
Sister Stones
Underground Temple
Zenana Enclosure
Elephant Stables
Guards Quarters
Hazara Rama Temple
Royal Enclosure
Durbar Hall
King's Palace
Dasara Platform
Stepped Tank
Water Channels
Yantroddaraka Anjineya Temple
King's Balance
Vittala Temple
Purandaradas Mantap
Queen's Bath
Singarada Hebbagilu
Noblemen's Palaces


[stepped tank - recently excavated tank - pushkarni]One of the beautiful remains in the Durbar area is tile Stepped Tank built in chlorite schist, used by the royals and for religious purposes. The small but neat tank is about 22 square meters and about 7 meters deep. It has five distinct tiers, each fitted with steps set in a pleasing pattern. The mason marks on the individual blocks indicating the direction, the row and the location of the steps reveal that the layout of this stepped tank was well thought out in advance and all the different block stones were prepared in accordance with the plan elsewhere and assembled on the site later. This tank was discovered during the recent excavations.

A bigger tank measuring roughly 73 meters by 27 meters is at the entrance into the Durbar area, and located to the Northwest of the Queen's bath. The common people probably used this tank.

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